5 Weird Facts You Won’t Learn Anywhere Else

1.) The Romans believed that excessive sexual activity could lead to eyelashes falling out. To show their chastity, women used cosmetics to make their eyelashes look fuller and longer.

2.)  In ancient Rome, there were a group of female priests called Vestal Virgins.

They were chosen at the age of six to care for the goddess Vesta’s sacred flame for 30 years, and if they broke that rule, they were buried alive.

3.) Around 7,000 years ago, humans practiced a rather unusual medical procedure called trepanation. Doctors drilled holes into heads to allow spirits to flow in and out of their bodies.

4.) In 12th century China, court judges used sunglasses with lenses made from smoky quartz. These sunglasses helped them hide their facial expressions and appear impartial in their judgments.

5.) In 1187, King Philip II of France and King Richard the Proud of England spent a night together in the same bed, symbolizing a gesture of unity between their two nations.

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