While Alexander wept because he had no more worlds to conquer, Caesar is reported to have
burst into tears while he was reading the exploits of Alexander.
He said to his men, when he was of my age he had conquered Darius, but up to now, nothing
has been accomplished by me.
As his ideal was Alexander, he turned out just like him, self-obsessed and narcissistic.
Once he had gained significant power as a general and statesman, he undermined the Roman
republican system and declared himself dictator perpetuo, dictator in perpetuity.
He wasn’t shy about it either as he is reported to have said, if you must break the law, do
it to seize power, in all other cases observe it.
Senators in Rome feared Caesar wanted to establish monarchy, which would completely erode away
their authority.
On March 15th, 44 BC a group of 60 senators assassinated Caesar at the meeting of the